

压力? 你并不孤单.

Everyone experiences stress at one time or another, 和 stress affects all of us in different ways. But this much is true for everyone: Regular exercise reduces the harmful effects of stress.

But let’s start with this question:

What effect can chronic stress have on your health?

压力会引发一连串的沙巴体育平台点击进入. The body reacts to it by releasing a hormone, 肾上腺素, that temporarily causes your breathing 和 heart rate to speed up 和 your blood pressure to rise. 当压力恒定时, 或慢性, your body remains in high gear off 和 on for days or weeks at a time.

Chronic stress can take a physical toll on you. It can weaken your immune system 和 cause uncomfortable physical symptoms such as headaches 和 stomach problems. Stress affects the body in many ways.

Can stress lead to anxiety or depression?

是的. 压力会影响身体和精神.

例如, you may have physical signs (such as headaches, tense or sore muscles or trouble sleeping), emotional signs (such as feeling anxious or depressed), 或两个. Stress can make you feel cranky, forgetful or out of control.

The mental health implications of stress also may be felt acutely by some groups, who are already more at risk for anxiety or depression. Women, for instance, are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression compared to men. And less than one in three Blacks in the U.S. who need mental health treatment receive it.

There are lots of reasons to manage stress – especially the emotional 和 mental health benefits of dealing with stress.

Does chronic stress cause 高血压 or heart disease?

The complete picture for how stress contributes to cardiovascular disease is not entirely clear. However, stress can lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices that are associated with 高血压 还有心脏病. While the exact causes of 高血压 are unknown, contributing factors include being overweight, 吃 钠摄入过多 (盐) 缺乏体育活动 喝太多酒.


Regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, walking, can improve your quality of life relieve stress, tension, anxiety 和 depression. You may notice a “feel good” sensation immediately following your workout. You also may see an improvement in overall well-being over time as physical activity becomes a regular part of your life.


  • 释放压力,让自己平静下来
  • Improve your mood 和 help you think clearly
  • Keep your mind off cigarettes if you’re trying to quit
  • 帮助控制食欲
  • 帮助你 减肥 if you’re overweight, or stay at a healthy weight
  • 给你更多的能量和耐力
  • 降低血压
  • Increase your “good” HDL cholesterol level
  • Reduce your risk of developing heart disease 和 stroke
  • Help control blood sugar by improving how your body uses insulin
  • 提高睡眠质量
  • 帮助你 feel better about how you look